Education is key to changing the next generation
In any third world country, change is more penetrable with children. They're receptive and eager to learn. Literally 99% of the children we encounter cannot afford to pay school fees. and the 1% that can, are sponsored. You'll find that these precious kids, some extremely intelligent and full of potential, are roaming the dirt village roads doing nothing or working in gardens with their families.
In the village of Bugira, where our campus base is located, there was no school. We have thousands of children in and around our village, that have waited and hoped to have a real school to attend for generations. For the last two years, we've done a very basic education program with over 300 children, varying in ages 2-15, outside under a tarp. Unfortunately, that was not ideal nor bringing true impact. And no matter what the weather brought (torrential downpour half the year), these wonderful and energetic souls always showed up.
Our hope and plan has come to life starting in June of 2020, where we began building the first school in this area. The goal and estimated cost was $110-$120,000 usd. Because we are located so far up in the mountains, getting materials is costly. But we whole heartedly believe that education is necessary for change to happen, no matter the cost or obstacles. We have fulfilled our dream and have begun classes as of Jan 2022.
This Primary school consists of three nursery classes, and grades 1-7.
It will be a free private school for the village children, but they will have to maintain certain grade levels to remain and advance to each grade.
We will start with the children in our village first, and then allow the neighbouring villages to get on wait lists and attend as space opens up.
The school is at capacity of 300 children, with a school program of 8:30am-4pm.
Children, ages 2-13, can be sponsored to go to school for $42/month (Feb-Dec) or $456/yr.
If you want to get involved you can donate through Zelle (bbbministries@yahoo.com), or through VEMNO @ 1734.679.9777 and submit the Sponsor Form for a connection to a specific child.