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Writer's picture: LilyLily

I've had so many questions around Moses and the adoption process. Why and how did this all come about? How long will it take? You're single, so how's that possible? and so many more. Though I will keep information more private with this matter, I do want to let you all know a bit of how it came about.     The questions without a doubt are complicated, as the adoption process is a new thing to not only me but also the orphanage  I'm working with. Though this process is said to be hard, lengthy, and expensive, I'm willing to sacrifice all that may come or be to see Moses happy and have the chance at a better life. My prayer and hope is that God will truly move in ways I've never seen and open doors that only he can. This adoption process is so much bigger than us both. Your prayers in this are so needed and appreciated!


Moses was found by the Kabale Police on a dirt road near a lake. He was left to die tied in a mesh bag, but somehow managed to escape. The police found him, called the pastors that I refer to as Mama & Papa as they are my African parents, and asked if they could take another baby into their orphanage. Of course they said yes, as they would never turn a child in need away. That is not just the beginning of his story but also how his name came about. ​       For those that know me rather close, know that I genuinely love children. I've always had a big heart to love and teach them. They also know that I'm always talking about adoption and that when I get married and settle down, it'll be something I do. I just never thought I would adopt before that because you hear all these stories about how hard the adoption process is. What I've learned in this short time since meeting Moses though, is that no matter what plans we make and how certain we are of them, there are no certainties that it will play out as planned. I've learned lately that unexpected life changes that are major will always somehow find their way into your self made plans. I am so excited yet so terrified because this is all new, both to Moses and myself. What I do know without any doubt is how much I love this little boy! I want to do right by him and give him a future that he would not have if this wasn't happening.         Children teach us to love unconditionally, to forgive consistently, to give without wanting anything in return, and also, they are our future. What we teach, and how we love them will be a testimony to the adults they become and the impact they can make in the world we live in. ​I am so blessed to have the chance to impact Moses' life and have him impact my life as well. 


My decision to adopt Moses was instant. It's so hard to explain to you all what happens in your heart when you make a decision and don't even really realize the impact of how it happened.        I met Moses outside the pastors home, about two weeks after being in Uganda. I was getting ready to head out to one of the villages of disabled people to deliver blankets and goats, and as were packing the bus with blankets, I saw Moses. I instantly just fell in love with him, before knowing anything about him. As I picked him up to give him a hug, I asked one of my friends there what his name was. She told me Moses. I held him for about 5 minutes or so and in those minutes I looked at him, while something was happening in my heart, and I said out loud to him that I was going to adopt him. I know, so unheard of right?! But I truly just connected with Moses, in ways I hadn't expected nor encountered before. So from that day, I went and bought Moses a bed, and a few other necessities, moved him into the pastors home where I was staying, and spent the rest of my time in Africa getting to know him, his routine and who he was.         We spent time visiting the different villages that we had projects in to complete. I took him everywhere we went, because I didn't want to miss any time that I didn't have to, knowing my time in Uganda was ending soon.  We played games, read books and I got to enter the potty stage. Let me tell you, when you have to wake up at 3a.m. to take a toddler to the bathroom, every night, and half the time they don't even pee, you're like why are you getting up, LOL! I honestly would hold him above the toilet, so that he wouldn't fall in, and let me tell you when you're that close to someone near the toilet, you truly love them :))).                   I'm not going to lie, he did fall into the toilet once... but only by accident. He had wet his clothes so I told him, hold yourself so I can go get clothes, only to come back and find him in the toilet! I didn't know if I should laugh or cry, so I did 3 am mind you, with no electricity except the flashlight from my phone.       Oh boy, there are quite a few funny moments that I definitely felt like, yup this is motherhood. Getting up in the middle of the night was probably the most eye opening though, and the amount of time you actually have to wash or wipe their hands.       But honestly Moses is so funny and bubbly! Mama said to me, "it's like he truly is your son", referring to the fact that we are so much alike. He wakes up at 6-6:30am singing in Ruchiga, which is the local language. And though I have no idea what's he singing, he's just so happy and ready to take on whatever life will throw his way, all at the mere age of 2. He loves playing soccer, loves food, and isn't too fond of staying in church. He truly loves life, and I am thankful that though he was discarded as trash and left to die, it has not marked his heart, soul or mind.        All this to say, that this process is very real to me and though I know a lot of stressful situations will arise, I'm hoping to hold dearly to the funny moments to get us through! 

Thank you for taking the time to follow me on this adventure! More to come! :) 


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