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The Adventures of HOME

Writer's picture: LilyLily

  I've been so overwhelmed with life these last three plus months. Do you all just ever want to hide away under a rock and hope that by some miracle things will just fall into place? Lol, I know, wishful thinking. But honestly, I don't know if I'm more overwhelmed with God's over abundant grace and love in my life, or if my comprehension of life's ups and downs constantly changing is just happening all to quick for me. Maybe it's just more intense because of the path I chose as a Missionary, a life of living by faith and not by sight.  I don't know really, but what I do know is that I am at a point in my life where I'm like really exhausted but also so excited for all that's to come.       Life in Kabale has been beyond FULL. Between medical camps, feeding programs, women's projects, constant needs at every corner, major construction, traveling to/from the capital, drudging through a horrible Rainy season and single parenting, it is only through God's strength I'm still standing. I'm so thankful for the volunteers that have been coming for weeks to help us continue building our Missionary Home, Medical Clinic and Cafe. (check the PROJECTS to see updated pics or our FB Page). Also so thankful for the faithful givers that stand by us and continue supporting and sewing into so so many lives.    These last five weeks I've had the most tiring, long, and full journey thus far. I was in the states (WA, OR, MI, GA, LA), able to be a part of so many special moments in my friends and families lives. Its moments like these where I wish the African continent was just a lil closer. But in every state not only was I able to talk more about all the wonderful progress we've made in Uganda, but I had a bit of time to do what I really love, and that's quality time with the important people in my life. Each person I got to spend time with, and I won't mention names because it's not about that, please know I am eternally grateful that you took your time to pour into my life, to fill me up with love, to be able to go and continue pouring into our dear brothers and sisters in Uganda. Thank you for sharing your lives with me!  A lot of you might not know this, because it seems like a surprise when I come to the states and meet up with friends, but I LOVE hearing about your daily lives here. I don't compare, or at least I try my hardest not to, because at the end of the day your reality and my reality are completely different, but that doesn't make one or the other less real or important. So Thank you for sharing and loving on me!

xoxo, ​Lily


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brave.Beautiful.BOLD (BBB) Ministries of Uganda, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in Michigan and 

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