Women Empowerment
With this initiative, our goal is to promote opportunities for those in need. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential.
The Women's Ministry, Training & Development is aimed at teaching and empowering women from different villages and different walks of life, on different skills such as sewing, crafts, soap making, education, home making and financial budgeting. Majority of these women have HIV, abusive drunk husbands and have no opportunities of a better life for themselves nor their children. Through the support of monthly sponsors, we are able to buy them equipment and supplies to make different products that we can sell internationally and locally. 100% of the proceeds have gone and will continue to go back to the women. We are in this truly to change their lives, not become rich.
The goal for these women is so much more greater than simply just to make money, or have a career... our heart for them is to fulfill their dreams, to have a second chance at what they want and not what is expected of them. To be able to give their children a better life, not one of lack and poverty.
It's amazing to see even in only the last eight years since this project started, the confidence that these women have gained and the excitement they have when they accomplish the different products they make. It's truly beautiful and so life changing! The products we make are special and limited each year, as we want to be unique but also have quality.
If you're skilled in any of these areas, come out here and volunteer! Your knowledge will impact greatly!
If you want to financially support,
You can donate through Zelle (bbbministries@yahoo.com), or through VEMNO @ 1734.679.9777